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Fried Fresh Shrimp Curry Served with deep rich curry and rice
$19.9919.99 USD

Fried luncheon meat, Soul food in Hawaii served with Deep rich curry and rice
ハワイのソウルフードのスパムフライとコエドカレーのセット$15.9915.99 USD

Crispy Fried Chicken served with deep rich curry and rice
クリスピーな醤油味の唐揚げとカレーライス$17.9917.99 USD

Fried beef and vegetable dumplin served with deep rich curry and rice
コエドカレーライスと餃子のセット$16.9916.99 USD

Juicy deep fried pork cutlet served with deep rich curry and rice
ジューシーなプレミアムトンカツとコエドカレーのセット$19.9919.99 USD

Hawaiian Jumbo Frank served with Deep rich curry and rice.
コエドカレーとジャンボフランクのセット$16.9916.99 USD

Deep rich curry and rice made with a unique method of mixing beef, vegetables and original spices.
ミンチ肉,野菜そしてオリジナルのスパイスを混ぜ独自の手法で作られた深いコクのあるカレーとライス$11.9911.99 USD

Oyster Curry
Fried fresh plump oyster from Hiroshima,Japan served with deep rich curry and rice
コエドカレーと広島産の新鮮でプリプリのカキのセット$18.9918.99 USD

Crab Cream Croquette served with deep rich curry and rice
コエドカレーとカニクリームコロッケのセット$16.9916.99 USD

Fluffy Fresh eggs with deep rich curry and rice
オムレツとコエドカレー$18.9918.99 USD

Coedo Curry with Vegetable Croquette
コエドカレーと野菜コロッケ$15.9915.99 USD

A popular Hawaiian dish of shrimp stir-fried with plenty of garlic and oil served with deep rich curry and rice
コエドカレーとハワイの郷土料理ガーリックシュリンプのセット$18.9918.99 USD

Fried thick and fresh Macherel with deep rich curry and rice
コエドカレーとアジフライのセット$15.9915.99 USD

Fried fluffy tofu with deep rich curry and rice
コエドカレーと豆腐揚げのセット$14.9914.99 USD

Coedo Curry and 2 peaces Fried chicken ,1 peace Dumpling ,corn,potato salad with Toy
コエドカレーとフライドチキン、餃子、コーン、ポテトサラダとおもちゃのセット$13.9913.99 USD

Japanese Udon or Ramen with deep rich Coedo Curry
Tonkatsu Topping Plus $9
Chicken Katsu Topping Plus $9
小江戸カレーとうどんもしくはラーメン$12.9912.99 USD

Fresh Juicy deep Fried chicken Katsu served with deep rich Coedo Curry and rice$19.9919.99 USD

Kimchee with deep rich Coedo Curry and rice$14.9914.99 USD

Deep-Fried All-Star Rally! Fresh Oyster,Shrimp.Spam.Dumpling and Tonkatsu served with deep rich curry and rice.
夢のような揚げ物オールスターの集結。新鮮な牡蠣4つ、エビ3つ、スパム2つ、餃子4つ、そしてトンカツとコエドカレー$34.9934.99 USD

Crispy Home style Curry Bread containing 3 kinds of melting cheese$8.998.99 USD

Hot Taiyaki(Red Beans) with Ice Cream,whipped Cream,Chocolate Chip$8.998.99 USD

Mango,Melona,Lilikoi,Strawberry,Cherry,Lychee,Fruit Punch,Guava,Orange,Grape,Pinapple,Cotton Candy,Cherry,Rasberry,Peach,Blue berry,Lemon$8.998.99 USD

Oat Milk Base with Mattcha
Rasberry Mattcha
Blueberry Mattcha
Strawberry Mattcha
Vanillla Mattcha
Late Mattcha$7.997.99 USD

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